
Every students should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the college by excelling in good manners and deportment Hence for the smooth running of the college, no student should bring to college any abject liable to prove a source of disturbance e.g. crackers, water pistol etc.

Students are not allowed to leave college premises without the permission of the principal or his assistant before the hour of dismissal.

No books (other than college Text of Library books) newspapers, comic are pr periodicals may be brought to the college premises without the principal's sanction.

When the students move along the corridors as when changing classes going for games of experiments, they must walk in silence and in a single line. The teacher in the class should be the last to leave.

At the first bell, all must come in classes immediately for the Assembly, where they will pray in common, listen to the principal's talk and notices attentively and move silently to their class rooms.

Running, playing or shouting inside the college building is prohibited. Any kind of damages done by the pupils to the college equipment, furniture, building etc. will have to be paid by the students. Fines may be imposed by the principal. Playing with a ball or similar objects in and around the class room is strictly forbidden.

The principal may punish a student for habitual idleness, disobedience or misconduct injurious to the moral tone or the college by detention after college hours or fines, suspension or dismissal without assigning any reason for his action.

All the students should come to school clean and tidy in their school uniform. All are obliged to wear the uniform under the penalty of exclusion from the class.

Any student desiring to be exempted from P.T or games must produce a doctor's certificate to the effect that she/he is physically unfit to take a part.

Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct and behavior both in and outside the school.

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